
יום שלישי, 26 בפברואר 2019

The Path

 What you have known until now, erase

If you can't at least find the space

To receive ancient wisdom to embrace

To enjoy your spirit with a random dance

To the harmony of splendor's points and waves

Sail in the ocean when it's calm or in a storm

Navigate life with fast lights at night

Remember the letters black fire on white

You have never been abandoned

Since the creation of worlds and treasures

Fight the blindness be happy in all periods of time

For you are being touched by the divine

It is very hard to walk on the true path, while we have been walking on others for a long time, because it is very hard to change old habits. For example, it is our point of view on how we understand the reality in front of our eyes.

A human being is not like an operating system installed on computers, which offers users to erase a file of old habits from the past. But there is an advice to try at least to find the space to receive and to embrace ancient wisdom.

Nowadays humanity enjoys more new complex technologies than in the past, as a result there is a notion that we live in a generation, which has more wisdom than past generations. But when we look carefully at the reality, all the inventions in our generation relies on a basic axiom from the past, that defines a point and a line, a fact that we take very much as granted. Therefore, when we cherish and fill the space in our hearts with ancient wisdom, our spirit enjoys a unique dance, which connects the past with the present like an endless chain.

The music of the dance is the harmony of splendor's light, which nowadays is described as a combination of points and waves. Embracing ancient wisdom is also expressed like sailing in the vast seas of wisdom in different conditions, navigating our lives using stars at night. Remembering these letters in the poem can help us to handle the true path that may sometimes be harsh, because of a mixture of negative feelings "that we are all alone".

Those false feelings are natural, they may come on our path. In order to overcome them, we need to build awareness that we can be "blinded" and feel "abandoned" sometimes, because The Creator is hidden in the reality that was created for us, in order to test our faith in the divine. To test how often we are happy to study the torah, the same book that The Creator has in a form of letters black fire on white, the book that helps us to build the faith and emotions of fear and love The Creator. The book that holds treasures of ancient wisdom that connects our people, our torah and The Creator to be as one.

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